Who We Are

Food Rescue Yellowknife

Operating Since 2008

Food Rescue Yellowknife is a non-profit organization that receives safe, nutritious and useable food from local grocers which would otherwise be discarded and distributes it to non-profit organizations, schools and daycares throughout the city. Since 2008, our operation has saved and distributed over 2.1 million kgs of food for the people of Yellowknife. That food is valued at an average of $5.70 per kg for a total value of an estimated 12 million dollars. Learn more about our operation on our Resources page, or if you’re interested in volunteering please get in touch with us!

Mission Statement

Using primarily volunteers, Food Rescue Yellowknife builds a bridge between the sources of excess usable food and those in Yellowknife and surrounding areas who need food security.

2022 Sǫǫmbaàk’e Weghǫ Sèts’eze Nàowo

2008 xook’e Sǫǫmbaàk’e weghǫ sets’èze ǫ̀hǫ̀gede ts’à dǫ ekı̀ ełèts’agedı nı̨xogı̨ɂǫ̀.

Amı̀ı weghǫ sets’èze gıts’ǫ sı wet’à dǫ ts’àgedı.

Sǫǫmbàak’e nàde eyıts’ǫ amı̀ı kǫ̀tą dǫ nàhɂǫ̀h nàgede xı̨.

Weghǫ sets’èze nezı̨ sı dǫ wegha dàowhıdı sı gha  nı̀gewa.

Board of Directors

President: Lesley Allen

Vice President:

Treasurer: Kristen Cameron

Secretary: Pam Dunbar

Member: Elsie DeRoose

Member: Francois Afane

Member: Gerri Whiteford

Member: Margaret Kralt

Member: Mark Bond

Member: Melanie Williams

Food Rescue Strategic Plan

In May 2020, the Board of Directors of Food Rescue Yellowknife completed a 5-year strategic plan. This document will help steer and direct the organization until 2025. To learn more about the Food Rescue Strategic Plan, please download it below.

Download [ENG]

Download [FRE]