A Special Thank you – 2023/2024
Food Rescue Yellowknife would like to acknowledge the tremendous
contribution that Yellowknife residents, sponsors, donors, and volunteers
make to our organization.
Corporate Sponsors
- Bluewave Energy
- Bromley & Sons Ltd
- Central Mechanical Systems
- City of Yellowknife
- Det’on Cho Landtran
- Discovery Mining
- Fire Prevention Services Ltd
- GNWT Anti-Poverty Funding
- GNWT MACA NGO Stabilization
- GoC Youth Canada Works
- Kavanaugh Bros. Ltd / Det’on Cho
- Matrix
- RTL – Robinson Enterprises Ltd
- Superior Propane
- United Way NWT
- YCF – Community Impact Fund
- YCF – Holy Family Lutheran Legacy Fund
Corporate and Community Donors
- Aurora Dodge/Chrysler
- Bottle Shop Recycling
- Canada Helps
- DanMax
- Dillon Consulting
- École Įtłʼǫ̀
- Environment & Climate Change Canada
- Eureka Weather Station
- Integrated Emergency Management Solutions
- North Best Distributors
- Northern News Service
- Northwestel
- Shoppers Drug Mart
- Stanton Territorial Hospital
- Superior Auto Body
- Subway (Stanton Building)
- TD Bank
- Westown Tire
- With Media-Digital Media Services
- Yellowknife Community Gardens Collective
- Yellowknife Farmers Market
Volunteers & Board Members
- Alan Cash
- Alexandra Schmalz
- Amanda-Brea Watson
- Anita Griffore
- Ann Hall
- Bev Bowden
- Bob Reid
- Brent Karstad
- Bryan Manson
- Carrie Vanderlinde
- Cathie Bolstad
- Cindy Kelly
- Clementine Boucher
- Cynthia Brown
- Daniel Zemuy
- Dave Kellet
- Dave Speakman
- Deidre Morse
- Donna Nash-Alain
- Dot Bergman
- Dustin Martin
- Ed Hoeve
- Elsie DeRoose
- Erin Nelson
- Eve Erasmus
- Fran Hurcomb
- Francois Afane
- Gail Nesbitt
- Gail Paquin
- Gary Strong
- Gena Florio
- Gerard Landry
- Gerri Whiteford
- Hannah Ponsonby
- Harrison Roberts
- Helen Hoeve
- Jacob Hoekstra
- Jan Op der Heijde
- Jason Akinnusi
- Jeannette Hall
- Joe Auge
- Joe Daley
- John Borkovic
- Karen Short
- Kathi Woodward
- Kathy Paul Drover
- Klaus Scheuhing
- Kristen Cameron
- Kyle Lee
- Laurell Graf
- Lenore de Jong
- Lesley Allen
- Lesley Singer
- Linda Maljan
- Loic Burns
- Lois Grabke
- Margaret Henderson
- Margaret Kralt
- Margo Grayston
- Marilyn Malakoe
- Mark Bond
- Mark Wharton
- Melanie Dumont
- Melanie Williams
- Michelle Burtch
- Mona Durkee
- Nancy Cymbalisty
- Nancy Lamb
- Nancy Vail
- Pam Dunbar
- Pam Monkman
- Paul Curren
- Quinn Gillard
- Rebecca Sly
- Ron Allen
- Ruth McLean
- Sally Mes
- Sharmin Bahri
- Shauna Morgan
- Teri Thayer
- Toni Auge
- Tracy Oldfield
- Wendy Bisaro
- Zack Penner
Individual Donors
- André Corriveau
- Anna Bang
- Anne Flynn
- Ben Linaker
- Beneivity RBC
- Brad Heath and Leslie Wakelyn
- Brian Latham
- Bush Order Provisions Ltd.
- Calvary Community Church
- Canadian Online Giving Foundation
- Caroline Wawzonek
- Catherine Lorraine Seale
- David Gilday & Pam Dunbar
- Eli Purchase
- Erin Nelson
- Flo Campbell
- Gail Gray
- Geet Saraswat
- Ian Whitford
- James McDonald
- Jeanne Usengimana
- John Clark
- Judi Cozzetto
- Kelly Slack
- Lavanya Bhatt
- Ledcor Industries Inc.
- Lena Schofield
- Lesley Allen
- Lily and Mike Howden
- Loralea Wark
- Mark and Jen Bond
- Mark Wharton
- Matthew Wookey
- Meagan Wohlberg
- Mike McGhee
- Mindy Willett
- Miss Rebecca
- Mona Durkee
- Myra Robertson
- Nancy Fraser
- Noel Roberts
- Kimberley Boothe
- Pamela Slater
- Patricia Laurich
- Patrick Michael Gannon
- Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LL
- Robert Schafer
- Robin Greig
- Rose Jasmin
- Shauna Morgan
- Stefanie Philipp
- Stephen & Amanda Dunbar
- Tara Tompkins
- William Graham
FOOD Donated
- 2018/19 -148,288 kg
- 2019/20 -141,051 kg
- 2020/21-119,521 kg
- 2021/22 – 136,601 kg
- 2022/23 – 149,732 kg
- 2023/24 – 134,076 kg
Serving our community for 16 years!
Over 2.07 million kilograms of food rescued since 2008.
Food Donor Businesses
Yellowknife Direct Charge Co-op – 2009-2025
Rochdi’s Your Independent Grocer – 2009-2025
Glens’s Your Independent Grocer – 2010-2023
Inder’s Your Independent -2023-2025
Mines/Expeditors/Various Companies/Individuals
Thank You
Food Rescue is a volunteer organization that collects food from local businesses and distributes it to other organizations that assist people in need, to schools, and to other community groups.